EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: American Farmer (Book 6 in the Kendall Family series)
ONE Harlow The madness of New York City on Christmas Eve is admittedly a little too much for my OCD brain to handle. I mean sure it’s...
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Chapter 1 of New Rockstar Series!
I'm so damn excited to release the first book in my Rock Bottom series in two weeks! While this series is still romantic suspense, it's...
Massive Holiday Giveaway!
I know sometimes people tend to roll their eyes when someone says "I'm blessed," but damn it, that rings true for me more than ever. If I...
Are you on the coolest book site ever invented?
If you haven't yet heard of Book + Main, stop what you're doing and join right now. I'm not even kidding, you guys. It's that awesome....
Readers and Authors: Is Less More?
This weekend I was fortunate enough to experience my first signing put on by the lovely ladies at For the Love of Books and Alcohol in...
I Suck at Marketing
When I made the decision to become an indie author, I was blissfully unaware of the copious amount of professional pimping that would be...
First Look at My Steamy MC Series
I'll admit - like millions of other women, I got sucked into Sons of Anarchy because of Jax. And Opie. And the idea of Jax and Opie...
Book Trailers...Love 'em or Leave 'em?
I've been obsessed with movies since birth. If I had been born in California instead of Minnesota, it's likely I would've been heavily...
Goodreads Ratings (A Public Service Announcement)
Imagine for a moment that you've put your blood, sweat, and tears into one project for hundreds of hours because it's your lifelong...
17 Books and Still Going Strong
You guys. I can't believe I've published seventeen books in my writing career. SEVEN. DAMN. TEEN. Whenever someone asks what number I'm...